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4 Ghastly OU Legends to Haunt Your Imagination


#4 Broken-Neck Wraith of "The Stacks"

Beyond the fine-trimmed Great Reading room of Bizzell Memorial Library lies a less-frequented area called “The Stacks.” According to campus legend, years ago a lonely student combing through the dark, narrow aisles of books took a nasty fall and came crashing through glass floor, breaking his neck and killing him instantly.


Cooper Williams / Own Work

Some insist that careful observers can still see him from underneath the glass, pacing overheard in search of his last read. Extensive research doesn't bring up any record of who the student was or if he/she existed; however, the only way to know for sure is by braving the old stacks yourself!


#3 Dumbwaiter Poltergeist under Cate Center

20 years ago, in the damp and dreary basement below Cate Center, a teenage boy met a gruesome end wedged between the doors of a dumbwaiter. Since that day, refrigerators and other objects below Cate are inexplicably pushed and shoved by an unseen force. - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

Daring OU videography student David Burkhart ventured down into the basement armed with a camera to produce his original film, “Alone in the Basement.” When asked about his experience, he replied, "I was freaked out. It was really bad...I was terrified."


His final verdict? Inconclusive, but shaken.


#2 Roller-Skating Ghoul of Ellison Hall

Hygeia Hall, named after the Greek goddess of health and wellness, served as the campus infirmary in the 1930s before eventually being repurposed and renamed into present-day Ellison Hall. During the building’s medical stint, a tragic accident provided the basis for one of campus’ most notorious, otherworldly tales.


Image: Wikimedia Commons

T3h Wookie / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-3.0

According to legend, a boy roller-skating along Elm Avenue was violently struck by a passing car and rushed into Hygeia Hall before dying. Ever since the unfortunate accident, faculty members have reported paranormal occurrences throughout the building after hours. Voices echo through the halls, motion-sensitive lights are triggered in empty rooms, and the telltale squeaking of rollerskates can be heard throughout the three floors.


#1 Phantom Organist of Holmberg Hall

A respected OU organ professor, Mildred Andrew Boggess went to her grave vehemently bitter against the removal of the Homberg Hall organ during renovations. Following her death, unsettling organ music can be heard wafting through the stillness of the 3rd floor.

Holmberg Gloomy

Andrew Goidell / CC-BY-2.5

Throughout the renovations, many of the construction workers are said to have verged on strike since their toolboxes would move whenever they turned their backs and the unnerving organ music would interrupt them with its eerie overtones - even after the organ's removal from the building. Jack Hobson of OU Education Abroad claims, "If you stand on stage and you look up at the spotlight booth, under the cover of a dark auditorium, you can even see her face appear."




Ellison Hall Roller-Skating Ghost

"Official" Ellison Hall Ghost Legend

OU's Past Haunts the Present